Hokies never sleep: Boyer & Obama

One of the cooler things to try and happen lately – Virginia Tech’s largest class is trying to get President Obama to Virginia Tech to discuss politics with one of the nation’s largest courses – World Regions.  This is a geography class focused on world politics at Tech, and it’s a course that I’ve sat in on no less than 10 times, even though I’ve never actually been enrolled in it.

The professor, John Boyer, continues to grow a legend and reputation that precedes him. I took his Geography of Wine course in the spring of 2012, and had a great time getting to know him, and his T.A. who is a good friend of mine, Katie. The geography department’s graduate program is where many of my friends are doing their program, and I got to spend a lot of time getting to know what makes this guy so unique, and really appreciating his sense of humor. Definitely excited to give a TED talk alongside him this November.

At the Convention last week (yes, I know, I still need to blog about it), I got a chance to show Vice President Biden the video, and asked him to ask President Obama to view it, also.  It’s been getting a lot of buzz in my local social media circles, I’m interested to see if it’ll really be able to jump off soon. Check it out!