Not quite THE lunch box.

I wanted to share with you all one of the cooler inventions that I’ve discovered in the past month or so.

When I eat lunch with my first graders at Harding Avenue Elementary school, there is a huge disconnect between me and them. They all have cool lunch boxes and I do not.  Over the Christmas shopping season, I went to Toys ‘R Us to try and find a fun, cool, yet 22-year-old mature lunch box. No luck. This, still, isn’t quite THE lunch box I was looking for but I found it quite functional anyways.

Although it listed at $7.99 on Amazon, I found it at Old Navy for only $5.00. The brand is Sistema. I know a lot of my close friends have kids now, so if you’re looking for a healthy (BPA-free) alternative that is also functional, this is a great option.

The side with the edamamame is made for sandwiches (left). The side with the rice is designed for two side options (right).
A sandwich would fit so nicely and secured!
All packed up and ready to go.

I’m still on the search for a cool lunch box like this one, so if you all hear of places that sell them out of season, do let me know!