Trying a little social experiment.

We are even going downtown later… At dinner now. This will be interesting.

Update, 8/26/12 Sunday night 11:45 p.m. : Everything was…quite interesting. Kristin and I went to the Blackstone Grill in Christiansburg, to celebrate my birthday. She is being an awesome daughter and heading home for the weekend to help her parents out. :) Although at the expense of my birthday and it’s celebrations, which will commence next Saturday, I’m excited for them and what they’ve got going on, even though I don’t want to be! :)

After we left the Blackstone, we headed to Downtown Blacksburg, to hit the bars and see what people would think of encountering not one, but two people in a wheelchair.  At dinner, the restuarant’s manager was EXTREMELY cordial, and very welcoming. It kind of makes me wonder what things would be like outside of a college town – even tohugh Christiansburg isn’t Blacksburg – because I’ve always thought that people are more friendly in college towns than in other locals. Just my personal observation though.

I had a feeling downtown would be a lot more tricky to navigate than the restaurant and I was absolutely right. We were able to fit both of the wheelchairs into the car by ourselves, without any help – without KH walking, eihter. So that was nice!

At the bars, everyone hit on her, which I didn’t really expect! Haha, very amusing though – I wonder how many times I’ve been hit on and didn’t even notice it, thanks to my Hot Wheelz :-p

Overall, we had a great night though. The only low point was when Kristin took a bathroom break at PK’s, and ended up chatting it up with an older dad. He didn’t think our little experiment was very funny. A friend that we were out with at the time even decided that we should interview others, and make it into a full blown experiment. We didn’t go that far, but it was still quite interesting. :)

If you’re reading and are interested in trying this out with me, I have an extra wheelchair or two laying around my house right now – let me know!

Kristin experienced the challenge that is navigating life in a wheelchair for an entire night.