Thank your mail man.

You know, I’m just sitting here Facebook chatting with a good friend, and I started wondering about ways to say thank you.  For no real reason, I just love that phrase – thank you.  It’s also a big theme in the book I’m reading right now, being thankful for the little things and appreciating whatever progress is made.

Speaking of being thankful, I’m curious: do you feel like you thank everyone that you have the desire to thank throughout a given day? Is there any one that you feel like might go unnoticed?

Random thought: what about your post man?

You know…this guy.

On the surface, you probably don’t even think about this person. But, male or female, they deliver a whole lot for you and the best part is they do it without you even asking.  They come around, deliver what you need (packages, clothes, letters, bills, whatever), and do so without a lot of praise.

Something I’m going to try in the near future, because I am very thankful for my delivery men and women, is get a gift card to the local coffee shop.  I’m going to tape it inside my mailbox so that they can have a little gift and know that I am thankful for all that they do.  Try it?