Push Girls

I’m not that big of a TV watcher – or at least I try to be. I’m very honest about my obsession with Food Network (because I love to cook) as well as ESPN (especially during football season), but I don’t usually get into reality TV that much. Two of my favorite shows, definitely have been Weeds and 24 over the years. This summer, I’ve had a ton more free time on my hands than normal, so I’ve decided to try and check out a few new shows.

I’ve been meaning to watch Arrested Development for a while, and after hearing that they are beginning to shoot a fourth season this week (the show was cancelled off of Fox, after three seasons many years ago), I’m definitely going to have to catch up with that by Netflix Watch Instant.

This chicks have some pretty cool wheelchairs, but I’d probably be even more pumped to just meet them, much less their chars.

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine decided to let me know about this new show from the Sundance channel, called Push Girls.  It’s a reality show following the lives of four adult-aged ladies in wheelchairs, and how they live their lives and go through everyday challenges, as well as some really cool challenges – like one girl is a hip-hop dancer.

I’m really impressed by the show, because usually people view individuals in a wheelchair with a little bit of a stigma – at least that’s been the case with a majority of the strangers that I encounter on a day to day basis. but this show is pretty unique because they are really showcasing them being independent and the challenges that they go through.

Impressed, definitely. Check it out if you want – I use a website called Project Free TV for a majority of my online television needs, you should check it out. Go through the links – but I would definitely recommend getting some anti-virus or…you know, using a Mac. :)


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