My lasting impact.

“Justin, what do you think your lasting impact will be?”

That was, honestly, a question I had never mulled over. Ever. I wasn’t really sure of my answer either.  I thought long and hard about it and I told the interviewer for Valley Business Front my honest answer.

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I was sitting in the middle of my parents’ house, in the kitchen, and had just gotten home from work on a day over Winter Break.  I was feeding Charlotte and getting ready for that night, and realized that I had never really been asked such an interesting, long-term question.

The following is the article that will run in the March edition of Valley Business FRONT, “a magazine that presents stories about people you know—and people you’d like to know”.

Attached are some screen shots of the article, but please do download the whole version of the magazine here and read about many other people who persevere through challenges of their own.  I wouldn’t quite call mine a challenge – I’d call it a gift. But hey – it’s all about perception, right?

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