King’s Hawaiian

In a land far, far away – a state named Hawaii – exists this amazing, AMAZING sweet bread. I certainly must credit some pretty amazing ladies in my life for introducing me to it.  First, my sister bought some from the local grocery store back in high school.  Then, Julianne started eating it like it was water.  Then, I introduced it to Kristin, and she showed me how easy it was to get COUPONS for it.

Today, I got home and this was patiently waiting in my mailbox.  It came straight from their headquarters (I looked it up)! I’m surprised someone didn’t steal it!  Sometimes KH will e-mail brands that we like to request coupons and make a little bit of savings; more often than not they will just send you some. FOR FREE!

If I only I didn’t want to break my own rule of not opening other’s mail. Sighs on sighs on sighs. Only time will tell what the contents of said package are…

Only in this household do we receive LARGE packages from food providers shipping us free things…just a little SMH going on here.