I know. I’ve been miserable at updating.

I’ve always said that the point behind keeping a blog, a good blog at least, is to NOT go a long time without updating it.  I promise – it’s never my intention to take such a long hiatus. And as that hiatus is being had, I feel bad, it’s like a little rain cloud just following me around because I want to put new content on the site!

Poor Eeyore!

For the post, today, though – as I’m about to quickly run out of the door – I wanted to shrae two really great quotes.  One I encountered earlier today, and the other had driven me through what was a pretty long and tiring week! ‎The first, which I saw on my Facebook newsfeed from an old friend:

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.”
by Mark Twain

That quote is so strong and so powerful – no more important than the day you entered this Earth is the day you really realize what it is you’re supposed to be doing on it. And what if that happens multiple times? I know it happens for me, often. And every single time I feel just a superhuman amount of encouragement to keep going. Thanks for sharing, Erin!

The second is a little less direct.  I have heard many derivatives of it over the past few months but I first heard it from Dr. Patty Perillo, the Vice President of Student Affairs, back in August when we were sharing conversation just a few days before the first day of classes.  She shared with me,

“Isn’t it awesome when your passion just really meets the world needs?”
by Patty Perillo

I was really enamored by this quote so I, later, googled it to see if there was any originator.  There are many types of it – one is more religious, which talks about your vocation happens when your passion meets the world’s need, or your calling happens when your passion meets the world’s need, but I really do like the word awesome so that’s the one I’m going to stick with.

As per usual, I’m going to end my post with a challenge – take a moment in thought, as I do everyday, and think about something that you did or will do today that really met someone else’s need. Not their wants, but their needs. Whenever I’m lucky enough to have that perspective, I suddenly am able to tap into another little piece of energy that helps to keep pushing me toward doing what I want – one interaction at a time.

In the coming days and weeks, I’m going to try and be much more diligent about updating this. I am going to use my phone’s iOS WordPress app a lot more, so I probably won’t be able to be as anal about formatting and what not as I prefer to be, but I’ve gotten quite a bit of feedback about the fact that there’s been too much time in between posts so…give a little, get a little. :)

Happy weekend, everyone!