Favorite commute on campus?

Over the weekend, I was at a party near campus and I met a lot of new people. Always one to try and meet new people, I told these students that if they ever had a question for me or wanted to say hi to me on campus, don’t hesitate.  I really put a lot of energy every day into trying to remember people’s names and special things about them. And, so, begins the story.

I was driving to campus this morning, to come to work, after waking up pretty late.  If I wake up late, all of the spots in my favorite parking lot are usually taken.  This particular lot that I want to park in is at the top of Torgersen Hall, hear the second floor exit, and unfortunately each spot was taken by either a handicapped placard-ed vehicle, or by a service car.

So, I continued around campus, to the Femoyer service lot, since I’ll be walking to my other work after this work, it made most sense to park there. And so I did.

After parking there, I got kind of excited – I was getting ready to embark on my favorite commute down the hill near Torgersen.

This picture doesn’t really do this hill justice. Although it’s not that steep, it is long. The max speed is at that top (to the left of this photo) for sure.  Once you get down the first hill, and roll to the other side of Torgersen Bridge, there’s another, steeper hill. It allows me to get from Femoyer Hall in upper quad to Squires Student Center in about 2 minutes. I think it’d be an average of about 3:20 if you were to walk.

And, so, I ran into one of those kids that I met over the weekend, and he said hi. He then asked me what my favorite commute was on campus – since, you know, it’s not the most accessible campus in the world.

You guessed it.

Want to know what my least favorite commute is? Going backwards on that same route. Forwards? It’s all up hill. Backwards? Yeah. It’s miserable.