Can’t ever finish one.

It’s been a crazy few days, I MEAN WEEKS, and every single time I sit down to write a blog post I never get to finish it. So this one will be quick!

This blog is literally from a week and a half ago…I just never had time to upload them.  It’s been a very different, unexpected, and admittedly stressful 2 weeks.  I haven’t had an opportunity or avenue to vent as freely as I usually do – that’s been tough.  So I’ve definitely focused less time on trying to sit down and write a blog with my “free time.”

But anyways – you all already know how much I love acts of kindness, and especially random acts of kindness.  I am so thankful that, in the past four days, two of my friends saw this collection of images on the internet, in two completely different instances, and thought of me.  They both shared it on my Facebook wall, and they both made my day. both times.

Actively care for others (I just noticed that I am on the front page of the Actively Caring website with Joanne, what!? Cool! Thanks, team!), and encourage them to pass it on.