2015: 1 Second Everyday.

It was exactly 10 months ago that I made a very public declaration. I said … “I’m back.” Graduate school was winding down and I felt it was the right time to rededicate myself to blogging as often as I enjoy blogging. I had spent so much time working on my final exam for my graduate program, and preparing for graduation in May 2014, and that was finally winding down. “Here we go,” I told myself…the next piece of life was going to begin, and I was going to be able to re-focus on HESONWHEELS as much as I wanted to.

Only part of that was to be true.

Yes, the next part of life began. But at the same time, I found myself wanting to spend more and more time reflecting…in an inward direction. I had all of these blogs written up in the notes of my phone, and beautiful ideas to share with you all…but I decided not to post them. And I decided that one of my biggest goals – recording 1 second of my life everyday – I would wait until a different milestone.

I had blogged about this on April 1st, too.  But then my birthday came and went – and I honestly was just stressed. I kept setting these goals for myself and I kept not meeting them. Other things would come up – job applications, demands for my time, personal time, other speaking engagements, the whole gamut – and I could just never find time to really do it.

Well, folks. There’s no motivation like a New Year to help you commit to something. And here. we. go. I really mean it this time.

If you’ve followed HOW for a while, you know that I don’t really believe in New Year’s Resolutions. But, I do believe in New Years goals And that is why I have finally, definitively and absolutely set a new goal for myself: I am going to set multiple reminders, and no matter what I am doing on any given day, I am finally going to execute one of the longest digital projects of my life: recording 1 second of my life everyday. Search for the idea’s originator, Cesar Kuriyama’s, TED talk on Google, and you’ll find the great inspiration behind that idea.

Just like I planned last time: I’m not going to post the one second every single day. But I WILL post it increments; culminating on Dec. 31, 2015.

Here we go!