And I’m back.

It was NOT an April Fool’s joke! It’s April 1st and I am ecstatic to announce my recommitment to blogging as often as I would LOVE to. The HESONWHEELS blog is something that I have missed SO much over the past few months. Primarily, due to my endeavors as a graduate student (from studying, to service, to networking, to just trying to live a LIFE), I haven’t been able to spend as much time writing leisurely as I would prefer.  I consistently found myself in real-life and not able to reflect as much – and if I was reflecting, it was all pushed into my e-Portfolio (which I’ll explain more about later).

Today is special in so many ways. Not only is it my first true blog in a VERY long time, it marks exactly ten days remaining until I present my comprehensive exam, or e-Portfolio, to the faculty in my program. On April 11th, from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., I will present information that I have “researched” over the past two years – that is, how have I changed and developed as a person and as a professional through my time spent in my Master’s program. Nerve-wracking? Absolutely. 100 percent. AND I DON’T EVEN GET NERVOUS FOR PRESENTATIONS!  But, at the end of the day, I just keep telling myself – I need to be confident in my delivery and they will be confident in me – and let me graduate with my degree!

One of my absolute favorite quotes, especially when I need to get in the zone prior to a presentation.

Another reason today is very important is because I am also announcing another commitment – but this one is new. I thought long and hard about this one, just like my return to blog – because I’ve really learned over the past four or five months to not bite off more than I can realistically chew.  I’m working on a project that I’ve been wanting to do forever – it’s called 1 second everyday. I first heard about this project through one of my favorite TED talks, months ago (of course I can’t go a whole blog post without mentioning a TED talk!), and I decided that, with a new month, and what I really view as the beginning of a new chapter in my life, it’s about time I finally take that plunge and make that commitment.

So, I won’t post the one second to hesonwheels every single day, but I hope that in 365 days you can expect a posting of that montage – the video that is my past 365.  Public accountability makes me feel a little more committed, but I am feeling very intimidated by the concept of having to remember this every day! Between now and then, you can expect a much more updated HESONWHEELS, as well! I’m excited for the ride – I hope you are, too.

While I wasn’t quite in the right place to do this at the turn of the new calendar year, you could think of both of these commitments as sort of a New Year’s Resolution.  You might remember this blog post from back in 2013, which I have to admit I was actually successful at about eighty percent of the goals I set for myself back then – which I view as a success for the most part! I didn’t make a similar list for 2014, but these two goals of blogging more and engaging with 1 second everyday, I hope, will force me to make the most out of every single day.  How will you make the most out of your days??

Well, with that – I’m going to get on with the day and get back to finishing the remainder of my ePortfolio.  Ten days to go you guys, wish me luck!