I’m not kidding when I say I live my life for others.

Here is a Facebook message I received from a stranger. This made this entire experience completely worth it for me.


Greetings Justin,

I saw something the CT posted on FB and recognized your face. We’ve never met, but I’ve seen you rolling around campus, leading tours more often than not. When visiting other schools, I like to take campus tours, so I recognize that it’s an important impression to make on prospective students, their parents, and other curious individuals. With that in mind, I give you great kudos for having the courage to take on the challenge while in a wheelchair. I can only imagine the questions you get asked by students or their younger siblings, let alone the actual effort involved physically.

I broke an ankle playing wallyball during my first semester at Tech. I knew the campus was big, but it seemed to double in size overnight. I tried to use crutches for a couple days. Unfortunately, I slipped on some wet marble in Patton, almost busted an elbow when I fell, and then decided to rent a wheelchair. I can’t say I know exactly how you feel, since I only had to deal with it for a week before I was in a walking boot; but I will say my time in a wheelchair was an eye-opening experience.

Seeing you smiling, decked out in Orange & Maroon, and representing Virginia Tech to the world is inspirational. I’d like to see you add a crown to your attire, so I wish you the best of luck in your quest to be Homecoming King. Keep rolling, you’ve got my vote.

Keeping rolling.

The student preferred to remain anonymous. But I, of course, messaged him back, immensely thanked him for taking the time to write this to me, and then also asking if I could use this on my website. He ok’d it, and I’m so happy that he did.

Even if I’m not crowned Homecoming King, my life is changed for the better already.

I’m not kidding when I say I live my life for others. I’m all about service. The amount of service, and the passion with which I do, completely and unintionally affected a stragner for the better.

This is what I mean by Homecoming shouldn’t be about ME. It shouldn’t be about my organization. It should be about that one time of year where we all come together and perform service for our great university.

I love Virginia Tech, and I love moments like this that make every thing worth it. Every all-nighter, every hour I spend trying to remember someone’s first name, every minute I’ve spent on this campaign.

Worth it.