Learning happiness from … your dog?

One of my favorite daily uplift sort of websites is one named “Happier.”


Happier was first introduced to me from a former co-worker in D.C., back when I was interning in the city. We became friends on Facebook and based on the things I pushed out there, she thought that this particular app would be something I would be interested in. Boy, was she right! The tag line for their site is “gratitude journal, meditation, and celebrating the good around you.” It’s part gratitude part mindfulness, in my opinion.

Happier has really grown on me. While I don’t use the app too much, I do have the semi-daily e-mail digests come through my inbox. With as much e-mail as I receive, I still focus one reading at least one article from each e-mail whenever they shoot something out. That’s how I found this one!

One of my favorite photos of Charlotte and I - enjoying a breakfast sandwich and a "puppy snack" from a local Starbucks in Fredericksburg, VA. Photo credit to the wonderful Taylor C. :)
One of my favorite photos of Charlotte and I – enjoying a breakfast sandwich and a “puppy snack” from a local Starbucks in Fredericksburg, VA. Photo credit to the wonderful Taylor C. :)

This particular article focuses on happiness lessons that we can learn from our dogs. While some of them might come off as a little flip, I still really, really enjoyed the article. Especially on days like today (#TeleTuesday) when I’m lazing around the house and getting work done with my pup, I”m grateful for the attitude that she has toward life. Although a little overexcited for me sometime, I hope my pup, Charlotte, never loses that eager, happy spirit.

To the dogs and to happiness!