Good afternoon, friends!
As you know, the 4th is coming up. America’s birthday falls on a Saturday this year, which means the federal government has been gracious enough to give us the day before – Friday, July 3rd – off from our formal duties in the office. Therefore, a bunch of friends and I are scooting down to a secluded house on the lake in southwest Virginia, where we all went to college, to hang out, catch up, and just enjoy some general America-based shenanigans!
I’ll re-connect upon my return. Until then, remember these tips for enjoying a great fourth of July weekend holiday:
- Even if your fireworks aren’t legal where you are (because let’s face it they probably aren’t), do your best to set them off safely – facing AWAY from ANY people, kids, pets, and your especially your face
- Do a quick vehicle check before a long drive – I just got my oil changed this week!
- Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts
- Alternate any other drink with water – this is a great way to get plenty of water and remind yourself to take a bit of a break
- Practice safe grilling and do it SOBER!
- Bug spray, bug spray, bug spray!
- Check for ticks and their bites after the fun is over
- If you have pets, make sure you know their triggers and check on them frequently! I’ll have Char Char on the road with me! :)