“Add. New. Post.”
Those are 3 words that I haven’t read together in a very, very long time.
That’s a part of this website that I haven’t looked in a very, very long time.
If you’re a frequent reader and follower of HESONWHEELS, you know that lately I have broken the number one cardinal rule of being a good blogger – I STOPPED BLOGGING!
I have to admit something, though. It was partially intentional.
It’s been a wild year, and things have moved very, very fast. I know we all always look up and wonder where the year went. But I am truly, looking up – right now – and wondering where the heck the year went! Literally, [pullquote]where has the time gone?[/pullquote]
As I pen this blog for you on July 1st, I actually have a couple of big goals over the next couple of weeks. I have about 25 blog posts that are currently half written, that were all started in 2017. I want to complete these blog posts, and public accountability is a great form of motivation in my book. So, in the very near future, you will start to see some new posts pop up. Or maybe you won’t.
The only reason you won’t, though, is because I’ll start to back-date them. I want them to be posted in the, uh, ‘original habitat.’ The reason for that goes back to the very original intent of this blog – was for it to be a sort of journal or a diary of memories for me. Even though I lost my way a little bit, I don’t want to lose that in the future. So I spent much of June, while I was on the road, working on that.
I’m going to provide content updates first. After we knock that out of the park, it is likely we will move into some visual updates yet. The latter part is still just a dream though. :)
Enjoy. And thanks for the warm welcome back. I appreciate it.
Here we go – a renewed journey on HESONWHEELS.