How I keep my motivation.

A lot of times, people will ask me – how in the world do you not only find the time but the energy to keep going throughout the day?  Well, I’m all about multitasking.  I believe in being able to focus on many things at once – in fact, if you want to accomplish everything you want within 24 hours (and sleep an adequate amount) I think multitasking is a necessity.

Well, part of the reason could be that my watch usually looks like this.

But, no, really – there are little nuggets of inspiration that I’ll post on the blog from time to time that are kind of my secret mojo to staying motivated.  I’m going to a very share-able tip here today.

We all carry our cell phones around with us.  I’m even more addicted to my little device – I literally feel a little bit of paranoia when it’s not around. Since I keep it so close at all times, I keep little notes of inspiration behind it, just behind my clear phone case.

This is a fortune that I got inside of a fortune cookie a few weeks back. It reminds me to be nice and calm at times that are high stress. I also keep a spare business card just incase – you never know when you might meet a potential opportunity to build a relationship!
“You are kind and broad-minded.”
One of the more important and meaningful pieces of inspiration I’ve ever had the fortune of receiving.

The above note was from a note that I found on my car.  I had just spoken to the National Honor Society at my high school earlier that day.  I had told Deb that I’d stop by and see her before I left school that day but ended up getting a little caught up with a few others that I was visiting with at Stafford.  So she left me this wonderful note that I have literally carried with me EVERYwhere I’ve gone since.  It’s impressive how much of an impact and how much power just a few written out words can have on you. Thanks, Deb.