As I relax on this lovely Saturday evening…

And watching the Clemson/Virginia Tech game, I wanted to answer a question that I get asked pretty often. How do I stay so busy but still have the time to enjoy life, and not be super overwhelmed?

I always tell people that being busy isn’t difficult as long as you love everuything that you do. It’s so hard to get behind or feel overwhelmed if you look forward to the things you do. I also love new experiences and working with others, and as long as I get to do that then I’m happy! All of that being said, I decided to just write a post about what my typical Friday is like, since that was just yetserday and it’s the most recent week day that I can remember. For the most part, my Saturday consisted of laying in bed till about 11 a.m., waking up around noon to have friends over for the Duke game, and napping from the end of the game until about 7:30 when I woke up, showered, was GOING to get dressed to go out, but realized I was still kind of under the weather.

SO the result is rolling through an long to do list while also watching the Clemson vs. Georgia Tech game. Still not sure who I want to win here…but anyways, onto Friday.

So, on Friday I woke up around 10:30 a.m. for a meeting at 11:00 a.m. I am on the Council Executive Board for the YMCA at Virginia Tech, and I met wth several community members and YMCA @ VT members to discuss a task force surounding finding a new person to fill the “driector of Student pPrograms” role in the Y, a role that is integral in making sure that all of our student progams run well. After that, I grabbed lunch with a new friend, Nate, a guy who was integral in helping me out with all of my Homecoming campaigning. After that, I headed to Event Planning, where I work part time, to cover a shift for another co-worker.

During that shift, I had a meetinga t 2:00 to disucuss the transition of University Unions & Student Activities, a department of the Division of Student Affairs here at Tech, to Student Centers and Activities. After that, I took a quiz for one of my classes, Bee Brewing Science & Technology. I got a 100 on it, so I deemed myself as worthy of skipping class, and didn’t go to the 2:30 – 5:30 Friday evening meeting. I then went to meet up with a friend for dinner at 5:30 after a quick nap (my cold has been making me tired so quickly), and ended up not being able to find him. I actually had never met the guy before, but I was going to meet with him discussing a column he wrote for our school newspaper concerning how the Homecoming Court this year had limited diversit. We are planning on rescheduling of course. :)

After that, I ran home, checked some e-mails, showered, and then headed to the grocery store to grab a bottle of wine. I took that wine, which was  red Cabernet Sauvignon (SO GOOD) to a friends house where she had made dinner, so that was really nice. And then I headed to meet a friend on campus for the Soulstice concert, Fallin’ For Soulstice, with special guest – The Madison Project – JMU’s premiere male a capella group. That was a great concert, and I definitely enjoyed that. I headed from there, back to dinner, and then concluded my evening with a few more glasses of wine and some hookah.

A few other obstacles presented themselves toward the end of my night that prevented me from making it to a friend’s Halloween party, but my body doesn’t really like for me to have good Halloween’s anymore I’ve noticed!

BUT yeah, that’s my Friday in a nutshell! I did alot of procrastinating and e-mail starring last week, and now I’m going to take the time to rectify that whole situation.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading. I’m going to try to keep this blog up, but we will see how that goes. :)
