Lunch time.

Well, my friends.  I think the time has come.  It is officially time for me to do what I’ve said I was going to do since June, when I reinvigorated my blog-site.  I think I’m ready to make the leap (at least for the next month or so)…

Anyone who knows me well also knows much about my obsession with food.  I think that food is very important.  It’s necessary to live.  Geeze, it’s literally mandatory.  You NEED it to survive.  Not only it is mandatory but also it satisfies every single one of your senses.  Smell, taste, sight, touch…all of em.  You can do that with food.  And if it’s REALLY good it can kind of take you to another level.  For me, food can make my day.  A great meal, especially in great company, is one of my favorite things to experience on a day to day basis.  At the end of the day, I’ll burp, and get a good taste of that burger that I had for lunch (too far?)…it brings back memories to when I had that meal, for sure.  I mean it’s one of the reasons my mother’s nickname for me is “Fatness.” I used to be nice and fat when I was little cause of some medication I had as well as the fact that I would just eat and then go right to sleep.  It was kind of ridiculous.

So, this past summer, when Kristin and I got bored we decided to take up cooking.  We spent a lot of time in the grocery store and a lot of time in the kitchen trying out all kinds of different recipes, mostly ones that we would see after obsessively watching the Food Network for hours together.  Back then she typed up a bunch of the recipes that we had made.  More often than not we would take official recipes from a cookbook or from a website and alter them to what our mutual taste buds preferred.  We didn’t always get it right, but that’s the beauty in cooking – trial and error.

We ended up sharing a Google document between the two of us to spontaneously add recipes to whenever we’d like. We’d both be at work and text each other and be like “OMG I found this crazy awesome recipe,” and sometimes, later that night, we’d make it.  I can’t wait to get back to cooking together, it’s something I don’t do as much now that I’m a lofty grad student, ya know. :D

So this blog, as it turns into a “food blog,” will obviously not just be food.  It’ll also be more important things about life and what not that I wish to share but I created a “food” category so that if you click it at the header, it’ll just show you only food blog posts.  The posts will range from something fantastic that I’ve eaten in a restaurant, maybe at a food truck, or maybe an old recipe that we tried.  It’ll vary.  If you can’t tell which is which…well then we’ve done our job. :) haha but I’ll try to make sure I clarify which is which as I write the posts.

Hope you guys enjoy!