Happy Easter!

For those of you who celebrate, I hope you had a fantastic Easter Sunday!

Easter Bitmoji

In the spirit of Easter (actually, who I am a kidding, this is not connected whatsoever), I wanted to share one of my favorite apps. It is how I created that wonderful cartoon above. It’s called BitMoji. It’s an iOS and Android app that helps you create your own custom emoji’s and MY GOODNESS ARE THEY AMAZING.

The app itself is powered by BitStrips, which I was introduced to back in the day when people would make a BitStrip version of themselves and then make comic strips out of them and then post them to social media. I was always really impressed by how similar they looked to their real-life counterparts. Apparently there is a reason for that. That article captures it best when it shares, “what Bitmoji offers over traditional emoji is personality.”

I love both BitMoji and Emoji, and I think they both have their own place…if a place at all (maybe not in a professional work e-mail, eh?). Some of my friends like Kristen L. love them while others like Riley H. can’t stand them…maybe it’s because I send her about 4 at a time.

Regardless, check out the app for yourself and send me a few…I think they’re great!