A photo of something (one) everyday.

For the longest time, I’ve been trying to commit to Cesar Kuriyama’s 1 Second Everyday project. You can read more about it in an old blog that I wrote here. I wasn’t successful at it the first three times that I’ve tried it – and I always try to choose a particular day to begin it, and I think I’m going to start it back up with the first day of a new endeavor that arrives in a few weeks. :)

In spite of my shortcomings, I recently found this gem of a video (posted below) on the internet. This man decided to take a picture of his newborn son, Ray, everyday for four years. FOUR. YEARS. What the heck!, I thought to myself – how cool is that?

It reminded me of a fantastic colleague of mine from Virginia Tech who does a similar thing with her daughter. I can only imagine how cool it is to see her toddler transform, and to also be able to share that with family members who care about them both.

Check out the video below – it definitely gives you a different perspective of time, growth, maturity, and quite frankly, just the journey of life.

Also, good luck not getting The Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun” stuck in your head. ;)