1SE, Part I.

Back in January, I made it a goal to work on a big project for this year. It wouldn’t require a ton of my time, but it would require a ton of memory. I’m not a person who is much for a routine, so I decided to work on recording 1 second of my life: every. single. day. The idea was inspired, if not invented, by this TED Talk.

As I approach the spring months, one of my favorite things to do is to make a “compilation” and create “my story.” It may only be 1 second but it is fascinating how it helps you recall what you did on a certain day, even just 2 months ago. It also helps me realize where I spent a ton of my time: hanging out with my dog. Charlotte is a frequent guest star in a lot of the videos!

Enjoy the video – it tracks the very first moment of 2015 (when the ball dropped and I was celebrating with many of my friends from college) right to about 1 hour ago…when I spooked Charlotte by giving her a little blow on the nose. :)

I can’t wait until the end of the year to see how this ends up. Here’s to (hopefully) not ever forgetting a day! And, too, here’s to always having my phone accessible to record a moment! HA!